Archive for the ‘Books’ category

As Islam advances what did the Vatican do in our past

November 4, 2017


Two competing narratives.

To respond to the Vatican side, the Old Hebrews had many factions: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, before Titus destroyed the Second Temple.

It is not surprising that the Essenes were considered “mighty men” and were the faction responsible for preserving un altered scripture in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Caves of Qumran. The latter Jewish Masoretes not only altered scripture, but it was a death penalty if you went against their human made laws under the Pharisees. Something Jesus of Nazareth took care to point out as hypocrisy. They tried to kill him for blasphemy too, but he had a time schedule that prevented him from dying until a certain end point. The Masoretes in the 3rd century and beyond, attempting to fight this Christian heretical sect of the Nazarene, rewrote the scriptures taking out important doctrine points such as the Two Powers of Heaven. Once accepted even by Caius the high priest and the Pharisees, but now deemed a Nazarene heresy.

So the Vatican argument from the Catholic news agency that “friars” and other monks preserved scriptures, doesn’t really mean anything. Those monks were not Dominican torturers or Jesuits, they were some other faction. And so long as they kept their scripture copying to the authorized copies and were under Authority of the Patriarch of Rome, they were deemed fit to survive.

Additional history here from the Vatican’s own archives.


One Vatican official, Father Pagano, was one of few figures allowed into the archives when he was sent, on the Pope’s orders of to collect the documentation referring to the Galileo case.  He told the Italian newspaper La Stampa last week that the archives of the Inquisition and Index, housed in two rooms, had suffered badly down the centuries and were now “modest.”  Pagano said the Church had a tradition of burning many of the most delicate heresy files and the Inquisition’s archive was almost entirely burned on Pope Paul IV’s death in 1559


Index of Forbidden Books, which Roman Catholics were forbidden to read or possess on pain of excommunication.  They showed that even the Bible was once on the blacklist. Translations of the holy book ended up on the bonfires along with other “heretical” works because the Church, whose official language was Latin, was suspicious of allowing the faithful access to sacred texts without ecclesiastical guidance.

Protestants, who split from Roman Catholics during the Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries, were allowed to read holy works directly.   The Index of Forbidden Books and all excommunications relating to it were officially abolished in 1966 [only 3 years prior to I becoming a Christian!].  The Inquisition itself was established by Pope Gregory IX in 1233 as a special court to help curb the influence of heresy.  It escalated as Church officials began to count on civil authorities to fine, imprison and even torture heretics.

Not quite the history of the virtues of the West that people want to hear about as they wage another holy war on Islam. Islam killed and enslaved many saints of the Christ. Well, so did the West’s Vatican. Hard to argue for moral superiority there.

I’m not interested in the Crusade arguments or the Galileo divide, because those are merely distractions.

A Mormon Author I missed

November 3, 2017

I should have known with the little data points that could be connected, but it never came up when I was reading about him or reading his books.

This list has been going on longer and longer.

Dave Wolverton, Brandon Sanderson, Stephanie Meyer, Dan Wells, Virginia Baker, Shannon Hale, Julie Wright, Aprillynne Pike, Jessica Day George, James Dashner, Brandon Mull, Eric James Stone, Dan Willis, Robert J. Defendi, Larry Correia, and John Brown.

I’ve verified some of these names before, but many are new to me.

Why is this important? Look at cultural trends is always important. Researching Pick up Artists is why I knew about the Red Pill before 2007, and the Alt Right before 2014-15.

By looking where others do not. Data points, connecting the dots, is an open source data mining and intel analysis method. One needs intel in wars. Especially this war.

Studying the Divine War in the Bible

November 18, 2016

What I’m watching right now to further my research.

I can’t add anything all that useful right now, except my other lines of research are converging on several topics discussed by Heiser. In summary, Heiser is a Biblical scholar that goes back to the Hebrew text and corrects or focuses on the correct interpretation (not just translation) of the text as it applies to Biblical theology and our own times. If you were told or believe the Bible was mistranslated or that the New or Old Testament has been changed by modern or Greek translators, this will be a useful source.

He also place some slight emphasis on challenging contemporary Church institutions aka organized religion. If you believe there is more to the story of the Bible and God’s relationship to humans than what you were told, he draws in people like that. If you believe that the various churches and fragments of Christendom, has fallen or decayed in the Gospel, Heiser also touches somewhat on that.

What can change the nature of a man : Sources of information

January 24, 2016

I thought this topic of where people got their views from, was interesting.

Ymar, besides Ayn Rand, Socrates and Plato, could you give some specific books, articles, etc., for the other things you mention? Something others here could read to understand your views better?

A lot of it was personal research and thoughts which I produced through my own “individual” take, so to speak. So they’re hard to communicate in any usable format. Well, I’m sure Socrates had the same issue, that’s why he kept writing stuff with questions in it.

Reading books were something I found useful when I was younger. These days, I prefer more interactive models, I find they stimulate more “questions” and is less Authoritarian in nature, less biased, less prone to Group Think. That’s because I can set the initial conditions. It’s not some NBC culture, not some Gaia cultist, that sets the initial conditions for me and then I have to run through the maze like some rat in an experiment.

For example, martial arts is interactive, because I interact with other people’s methods, bodies, as well as my own. And the interaction produces results I can analyze. Then I can read translated Chinese history texts about Neijia, and it kind of fits. But if a person just read the Chinese text, even in the native language without the physical experiences… it’s just abstract stuff to them. Might as well be reading the stock market at that point, without having any stocks. I never did like rote learning, regurgitating stuff just for the sake of regurgitating it because some author or education/indoctrination system said it was right.

Of course, I suppose it is ironic for me to say that, since I used to read a textbook on European history and still score above 90 on a test the week after. That’s because I found it interesting, not because of memory itself. These days, I probably wouldn’t even need the textbook, just wikis and the internet.

Socrates’ speech, which I thought was more interesting and more educational than reading Aristotle’s Nicomachean ethics, the first half that is before I lost my bookmark. Nicomachean Ethics was probably a little bit too forward thinking for me at the time, but I didn’t realize it at the time. It was also a progenitor of my belief, unknown at the time, that learning a foreign language and thinking in it, would be better than reading translations. There’s a significant mind shift that occurs. Looking at how people lived their lives, was more important to me than what they wrote in a book, with a language I don’t understand, for people that don’t even exist now a days.

If I hadn’t been in Socrates’ situation, if I hadn’t known any real human in his situation, I probably would have chalked it up to some fable or myth. No effect whatsoever on real life. His fate and his specific end had always troubled me, but it wasn’t until I read the actual speech that I saw the details. And probably only understood them because I also had questions like he had at the time, due to the Iraq war, terrorism, and the usual political corruptions.


For reading body language, it seems there’s a wiki about it now.

Amazing progress on the net. Back in the day, there were only audio/books and maybe some articles that were too abstract to be useful at the time. I wanted the skill, because reading psychology is also called being affected in a way. Using a skill to interrogate and assess results from actual humans, is a different scenario. No middle men corrupting the feed. Just you and them and the space between you and them.

Hrm, what else is there…
Translated from the original Chinese by the author.

What does this have to do with politics btw? Nothing, and also everything. The lowest unit of a political system is the person, the individual. Changing the individual, also changes everything above the individual. How they see above and around. How others see them from above or around.

If you want something specific Tom, you’re going to have to come up with a question. I’m good at isolating down answers and questions. Open ended topics tend to make me go off on tangents eventually.

Miyamoto Musashi’s Book of Five Rings, Sun Tzu’s the Art of War. They became a lot easier to use once I could look around in life and connect them with concrete issues and experiences.

Will reading any of this stuff help people understand my views better? I would have to say no, it wouldn’t. It’s not pointless, but it is like reading the biography of a person. You haven’t lived their life, you don’t have their personality and skill set. You didn’t grow up during their time period or with their life experiences conditioning their habits. People can read books and then say “that is my idea too” or “I agree with that” or “I disagree with that, here’s how to do it better”. A person’s ability to focus, distill, and reflect the knowledge of the world around them is only ever unique to that person. If it can be copied… it loses its value.

That’s why I think reading the Art of War does not confer Sun Tzu’s abilities unto me. It’s just reading a book about chainsawing a tree down. Doesn’t mean I got the skills or experience of it. Now if I wanted to get closer to that, I might do what grim is talking about and use tech to get rid of a tree, then I can say “oh, I know how it works now, just need to 50% transfer it to a chainsaw now”.

Independent Publishing

September 16, 2015

How To Win The Battle And Lose The War

Independent economic power is a very critical resource for those who Refuse to Obey the Left’s Tyranny.

There has to be some kind of income or source of food, even the Left’s terrorists and insurgents had to be fed and back then the West fed them. The Left is not going to feed you if you disobey them, however, they aren’t that stupid even for necro controlled zombies and sub humans.

From SFWA to the Hugo Awards battle of SJW

May 31, 2015

Eric Flint Owes Brad Torgesen And The Rest Of The Puppies A Huge Apology

Lesser known front on the war.

Huge number of un edited spelling mistakes, but I got through most of them. They really need a reader that can get 99.5% of written errors in one pass though.

Politics and books didn’t use to be a shared category, until recently perhaps.

The minor front of Science Fiction writers have been noticed on the front pages

April 25, 2015

The Men Who Started the Hugo Awards Controversy

Of instapundit, no less. Something the more perceptive amongst us knew at least a year ago.

I call it a front because strategically it is taking up the Leftist alliance’s resources in a war which has real consequences for victory and defeat.

New military science fiction novel out

December 19, 2014

Don’t forget to buy from Neo’s portal if you know her.

I was reminded by that search result I happened to glance upon, that I know of at least 3 of those authors while hearing mentions of another. That’s quite a combo. Their reputations are all very interesting.

The various topics also seem very familiar in this current century.

Fantasy in Science and Science in Fantasy

August 17, 2014

Here’s the email I sent to Roberts:

This is a response to Even Fantasy Needs a Little Science by Tedd Roberts – Baen Books after reading it.

It reminded me of the recent work Brandon Sanderson has done in his fantasy, which utilizes strictly logical rules slowly exposed over the book, combining some mystery elements as one can figure out plot twists by collating and analyzing the rules themselves.

Also Japan has long combined science fiction with fantasy, such that there are very old and recognized stereotypes to Japanese RPG settings and backgrounds. Not only is there an Atlantis type advanced civilization that died out, but the residents are advancing out of the dark age with technological (re)progress. This ties into the work being done on Pillars of Eternity and Torment (1&2), given that regular fantasy settings has been done to death and it needs to be reformed if not recycled. PoE postulates a land of fantasy that is advancing into the colonial and industrial revolution, via the use of soul crafting to power technological applications. What people did with electricity in our time line, they do with the power of souls or magic as you will. This goes into the high tech = magic line of reasoning.

On another note, this is Robert’s concept applied to zombie apocs.


I believe people are bored of extremely stable social systems. They want change or to be more specific, they want to improve their social status. While others wish to improve their skills, their family, or their power levels.

Strangely enough the US South border isn’t the only war zone in contention

July 24, 2014

There’s the science fiction community as well.

At least the MSewerM had the good sense to create a private list, JournoList, to communicate. These… people obviously think Twitter is good enough.