Anders Breivik domestic terrorist or freedom fighter

Many on the Left like to de-construct popular or traditional perspectives on individuals with an effect on history.

But they aren’t the only ones with that trick up their sleeve, so to speak. So on this topic, there are 3 links which tell significantly different stories about the same event and the man behind it.

Why Liberals Are Terrified by Anders Breivik

Some key passages I thought were worth reading:

Recently I attended a public consultation held by the Australian government to address racism. This was part of its strategy to make Australia a true multicultural country.

What stood out to me was that the majority of attendees contributing to this public consultation were all migrant lobbyists, left-wing radicals, political Islamists.  There were very few representatives from the domestic population who had different perspectives.

Suggestions made at the public consultation included changes to our law, the constitution, various Acts, changes to the schools curriculum, further Affirmative Action policies in the workplace, etc.

Disinformation and lies were spread.  They wanted the media to not report on ethnic violence and crime and have more ‘positive’ stories about the migrant community.  One muslim participant claimed ‘Australians’ didn’t want to live in ‘ethnic’ areas because they perceived them to be dangerous.  A lot don’t perceive them to be dangerous, they know they are, especially for the despised Anglo majority.

That evening I watched a documentary about the massacre Andre Breivik is responsible for. It was truly heart wrenching to see the massive number of people Andre Breivik killed.

After attending this anti-racism consultation it also hit home to me the sheer frustration so many people are feeling.  Key decisions are being made by radicals and special interest groups.

At one point at the public consultation  I got into a disagreement with another white lady about whether the point that criticising religion is not the same as vilifying a person because of their race. This was to prevent political islamists from getting their way and banning the criticism of Islam. She wanted me to note that not everyone at the table agreed.    After the session ended this lady started to talk about her private life and announced she was gay with a minority partner.

I was gobsmacked. As a gay woman she either didn’t understand under Sharia Law gays get executed. We were trying to protect her and she was fighting us. Days later I told another gay acquaintance about this story and she immediately started to stand up for Islam, announcing that SOME Christians would also executed gays if they could.

As far as I am aware only Islamic countries ruled by Sharia Law execute gays.  I’m not aware of any gays being executed by Christian states.

I have started to understand why when there are regime changes certain people get rounded up and incarcerated; it is just out of sheer frustration of the damage they have done by pushing their ignorant and radical agendas and not listening to what other people are saying or learning the facts.

So much of my life has been adversely affected by Multiculturalism and enforced diversity. I got completely brainwashed as  a young woman and spent years being politically correct and tolerant only to find it was a one way street.

A lot of young people end up on the left and I blame the fact they are indoctrinated in school and then by the university system. This is why Andre Breivic’s massacre of these kids is so sad and needless.  They were victims of a system that wasn’t teaching them to think using the facts, but to take the facts and wrap them around an ideology.

I wonder how many of those murdered kids would’ve ended up seeing through the indoctrination and emerged as a strong voice against the left.  David Horowitz who actively speaks out against the left was once on the side of communists. Ayaan Hirsi Ali was once a devote Muslim who wore a niqab and she completely transformed her worldview.  People change their worldview.

There are moves to already curtail debate on all of this. During this public consultation the participants called for action against overseas websites that are influencing the Australian population, I guess sites like Jihad Watch, AmRen etc.,  We can’t debate this openly in Australia and if these people have their way we won’t be able to discuss it online.  The only places left will be the ‘whispering corners’.

They can enslave the people of Australia so effectively because the citizens gave up their guns, their power, and thus sold their souls for some material benefits. Which won’t last given the Islamic and Leftist hordes. You can take that as my personal bias in all this.

The post at Amren had this to say about what Brevik claims he is fighting against:

There you have a liberal coming as close as they are likely to get to an admission of what they all fear: that Breivik’s views (although not his actions) are shared by large numbers of people, especially his views on immigration and Islam.  Prof Eriksen is wrong in one respect: it is not a “dangerous minority” but humans generally who have these feelings, including, as mentioned previously, liberals. People may have been brainwashed but that does not means normal human instincts have vanished or that people generally believe in the propaganda. Instead people develop a fear response which drives them to shun views which clash with the ideology and to give evidence of their belief in the ideology in public situations by paying lip service to it.

While an ideology can be enforced, the public will display behaviours ranging from a servile adherence to the ideology to promote their interests to lip service just to remain safe.  But once the means of enforcing the ideology are removed these behaviours will rapidly vanish. The societies liberals have built in the West are houses of cards just waiting to be knocked over if the stranglehold of the politically correct can be broken.

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