Hirsi Ali; Believer in the Cause

Here she is. This is a direct link to her video at CBC. Canadian Broadcasting Co…

This is a good example of that Spycraft and Idiotcraft post I did recently. If you want to destroy a system, you need people from the inside that know that system intimately. You need them for two reasons. Motivation and Expertise. Only those from the Left, can understand the Left. This is not to ridicule the efforts of those that were always on the Right, it is just to explain a truism. Only those that have personal experience of a system or belief, can know how to destroy it. And if that system is bad, then only such a person from inside that system will have the strongest motivations To destroy it.

I don’t know how to better explain this. If you want to crack the intel field and be competitive with our enemies, then you need people that were once of the enemy or around the enemy or somehow or in someway MOTIVATED to fight against the enemy. Motivation first, competency comes afterwards. And I ain’t talking about financial motivations. In the case of Soviet defectors like this one, competency comes first, then motivation. But regardless you have to have one or two to start with. 50 District of “I ban all guns here except for the bodyguards of politicians” stuff is strictly…. DC. As in, insular and political.-Myself

This applies to the Soviet defectors, the Arab allies of America, and to Hirsi. Understand this, for it is one of the simple truisms that run the cogs of humanity.

Inside jobs have been around siege warcraft and human attempts to annihilate each other since the dawn of time, it seems.

You notice how surprised he is in reaction to the things Hirsi says? This man obviously believes in what he says, and he obviously thinks just as we do. That you would have to be conditioned and been re-educated to have such beliefs. But of course, what is the real truth in essence? Which one of us were re-educated and conditioned to spout the lines that the Masters told us to?

Ah, that’s a tricky question isn’t it. The two narratives, Hirsi’s and her opponent’s, are competing narratives so to speak. Competing power structures, competing Alpha males so to speak, etc.

Hirsi is very good at controlling the narrative, not letting the rather psychologically strong points the guy was making, to throw her off her line. Her narrative. Control the narrative, and you control a lot other things in human belief circles.

Neo Neo Con also has up a great piece, and great comments go with it, concerning the vulnerabilities of democracies and republics. Highly recommended, since it gives you a different facet of the crystal concerning Iraq, Hirsi, etc. Different but still very relevant.

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