Factions in the Alt Right


A minor update on the Alt Right vs Ctrl Left context that underlines many of the events people hear on the “news”.

A Generation X reader sent me this analysis of the Fake Right Clown Posse, which somehow manages to be both sympathetic of the plight being faced by the young men of today and contemptuous of what some of them have become in response. I think he is largely correct, and explains why their attempts to defend their race and their nations so often go awry.

We have no choice but to help them. The challenge is that the only answer to ignorance is information, and as we know, as we have witnessed, there are some who cannot be instructed by information.-Context from VoxDay

As for me and my GenX classmates, not so much. We had the beginning of today’s anti-Western education, not quite as bad as now, but bad enough. As for Millennials and Gen Z (or whatever they’re called), what have they got? Those that are “woke” are only awakened to just how bad things have gotten. But because they have been cut off from their native tradition, they do not have the intellectual tools with which to think things through and find solutions. They are not grounded in anything real.

So they become extremists. Partly because the problems are extreme, and the times themselves are extreme, but also because they lack the wisdom, gleaned from a knowledge of history, that extremes seldom produce good results. Extreme reactions to extreme problems often just become a new problem.-Source author

The reaction to the Leftist alliance of adopting Alinsky to counter Alinsky, is understandable, but not a solid strategic option.

Similarly, the extreme elements within the Alt Right, who openly espouse Nazism and Fascism and any other extremism that they think will get a rise out of people, are the result of a thoroughly pozzed and decadent society not unlike Weimar (hence the oft-used Weimerica theme). They are a reaction to it – an understandable reaction, but not a healthy one. Since they have no moral or philosophical grounding (which, again, is not their fault) the only thing they can think to do is the opposite of whatever the culture is doing. So the solution to anti-fascism is necessarily Fascism. The solution to Jewish influence and power is blanket anti-Semitism. The solution to anti-white racism is white chauvinism. The solution to feminism is “white sharia” misogyny. And since Nazism is held by the dominant culture to be the supreme evil, it must, ipso facto, be the supreme good.

The solution to the War on Men is Alpha Game. The solution to Cruz Goldmansachs is Goldman Trum admin. And the solution to fascism is Aryanism, or in other words, the good parts but not the bad parts of white supremacy, i.e. 1830 Southern slave lords.

If even VD has to start going into the complexity of the factionalism in the Alt Right, it must be getting quite out of hand now.

The OP did a good and perceptive job with the current social factions. It mirrors many of the same estimates I made on the Alt Right back when people first came up with the term. All one had to do was to look at how the sub units which created the Alt Right and their origins: Gamergate, Hugo awards in fighting, Sci Fi Writers of America, PUA or Alpha Game.

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