The future of the American experiment while talking with the Alt Right

I replied to a post made by VoxDay, concerning the ALt Right’s ideological base. Some of the comments were pretty good and I think illustrated some potential break points in the coalition against the Leftist alliance.

That is what the Alt-Right is standing against. That is why the Alt-Right exists.VD

The Alt Right exists because people wanted a coalition to counter the Leftist alliance, of which SJWs are merely the Left’s trash cannonfodder not their strongest vanguard. Gather together all the bottom 25% of human trash, and you get SJWs, but the Leftist alliance has many more useful religious priests and tyrants than that, given NLP and Linguistic mind control R/D link from Chomsky. Chomsky promoted the Left’s R/D into mind control via linguistics, 1984 style, and Mao even implemented their own version via Simplified Chinese.

The Alt Right only stands for white eugenics based purity for one third of the coalition. I wouldn’t count yourself the primary philosophical leader of the coalition just yet, VD. Eugenics has been mainly a Leftist phenomenon in the US, via Margaret Sanger and the Democrat slave lord plantations that had better eugenics than Sanger even before she was born. The Warhammer propaganda posters line up well with Purity, your propaganda theme VD, but it is only consistent with eugenics based Christian Nationalism. That’s going to be a harder sell to the other Alt Right factions.

I feel the obligation to point out that anyone attempting to drive my wife out of the states is going to die. If there’s time, the deaths will be slow, agonizing, and degrading. If not, I’ll just shoot the motherfuckers. But die they will.-Tom Kratman (Baen author)

It’s not a question of wisdom – it may be very unwise, indeed – it’s a question of principle. The principle is that if my wife is harmed, if she is even insulted, people are going to get hurt or, if I can make it happen, die, as many as I can make happen before I die. People, in this case, is defined down to, “baby sucking at the tit of the wife of the man who attacks mine.” Though civilized, in ordinary circumstances, I have no real sense of restraint. That whole “fight or flight” mechanism everyone is supposed to have? Yeah…ummm…no, I have no flight mechanism. Never have had. Threatened, I attack. 70 to 1 odd? I attack. Yes, as a matter of fact I have. It’s not a question of having great courage; I simply lack the flight mechanism and always have.

I am also a man of war, possibly more so than anyone you have ever met or perhaps can even conceive of. It would be profoundly stupid to push me over to the other side. I would suggest that people who would push me over to the other side are thereby demonstrating their own racial and genetic inferiority, that they are, in fact, “life unworthy or life.

“-Tom Kratman

it is not going to come to that. Vox has a lot of this right, but he misses the key point… which is.. you belong to whatever tribe claims you.

I have no doubt that the local community you are in will claim you and your wife Tom. So its silly. Because these folks here jabbering about this are not part of your local community… and thus their opinions are irrelevant.-nate

Those are good points, but I would point out that South Carolina had BLM paid rioters and gang bangers come in to start things up. Same for Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. Although some riots are purely local, due to some guy raising the Rage meter (Sharpton anyone).

VoxDay could be the ultimate propaganda mob reinforcer, since he would be starting up kill squads from as far away as another continent. I think Vd underestimates the importance of propaganda to the Alt Right, without it they wouldn’t have been able to link Alt Right to Trum via twitter or any other such coalition would be dead before it was born. He calls it his opinions and his faceless minions just do whatever they want, but given human nature, that’s not quite true. Many people need permission to act, even in self defense. People are born to slave under somebody’s leadership and chains.

So true that VD isn’t part of Tom Kratman’s community, but if VD’s eugenics based Christian Nationalism takes off, he doesn’t need to be. Since the death squads will gladly be created domestically and then move into Tom Kratman’s community or convert/recruit from it. An American Death squad should be a sight to see, as they would be many times more effective than Iraqi ones or AQ or Vietcong.

The Scots Irish tribes of the Southern states that seceeded, weren’t going up north to kill abolitionist speakers in 1830. No, the killers just wanted the bounty or were doing so due to ideology. That eventually leads to a race war, so to speak, or a civil war.

Southern slave lords thought the North were too weak to fight, since the abolitionists tied in a noose pretty easily. Sometimes reality is not what the propaganda masters want it to be. They end up waking people like Sherman, who isn’t quite as pacific as the abolitionists. Or extremists like anti slavers who raid Harper’s Ferry for arms.

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One Comment on “The future of the American experiment while talking with the Alt Right”

  1. G6loq Says:

    Then lets discuss the alt-left ….

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