If the Clintons are using Trump as a stalking horse then it is to smoke out insurgents


Hillary is trying to push the GOP into permanent minority status by empowering the Alt Right—and, believe me, she will be empowering us today. The Alt Right is, in a way, what people wrongly accuse the GOP of being: a nationalist party for White people. Hillary’s Alt Right speech will try to force the GOP to become what it is.

At Milo’s party last month, I made an outlandish self-fulfilling prophecy: “We’ve taken over the Right.” The fact is, the mass media—and now none less than Hillary Clinton—want us to take over the Right.

In fact, they are going to help us do it, if only we would let them.

The white party is more of a European politic, but there’s a reason why more evidence is gathering that the Leftist alliance or the Clintons, are using Trump as a stalking horse. The Tea Party, when they came out into the open and marched on DC, were crushed, because when they remained as cells and insurgents, they couldn’t be found. It’s only when they applied for official status, from the IRS, that their identities were isolated, frozen, and targeted. Thus the Alt Right’s strength only exists as an insurgent movement now, if they try to take on the Leftist alliance in an open field battle, they will not be likely to win.

Trump, by forcibly accelerating the planning stages of the Alt Right or what I call the Anti Left Coalition, has attached them to his wagon. This makes the Alt Right far easier to smoke out.

It’s generally not a good idea to walk into an enemy’s trap or invitation, without having a trump card or secret resource to rely upon. The Alternative Right believes they can ride with Trum to DC.

VoxDay also writes about the white supremacy issue growing in popularity.



It’s an interesting take, although I’ve been saying that the GOP needed to become the White Party if it was going to survive. Otherwise, if it insists on trying to continue pretending to play ideological politics as the junior partner in the bi-factional ruling party, it will rapidly go the way of the Whigs in the new identity politics system.

Followed by another passage in a later blog post.

Every member of the Alt-Right understands one thing: none of those efforts and none of that edifice matters one iota if the USA does not remain a heavily white country, because whites, and specifically, white Americans who are the posterity of the Founders, are the only people in the history of the world who have ever supported small government and individual liberty in statistically significant numbers.-VD

I lightly replied with:

Democrat welfare and slavery works as well against whites as it did against blacks.

Righteousness and freedom are not passed down to your posterity, since those are more associated with the virtues that any soul must choose for themselves.

Christian nationalism is flawed by adopting too many tactics and traits of Lucifer, without understanding the key cause and effect. It is God’s light and grace, which transforms human genetics, it is not human genetics that allows white people to be superior.



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