2010 Blast to the Past


Reading the comments is hilarious, just as it will be 4 years from now reading the comments of this year. Assuming anyone is alive then.

Obama is holding NYC hostage. WHY?…Obama is in the process of deliberately angering his own political base, and I think they are waking up.

Obama is doing a magical thing, something no one else in the world is capable of doing. He is creating conservatives out of life-long Democrats.

Heh. So magical he created enough Republicans to win 2012 and deploy the IRS and kill American allies in Iraq and Africa. That’s a lot of Republicans doing Republican things.

I think the President is incompetent. I used to think former President Clinton was the Republican of the 90′s. I think President Obama is inventing it as he goes along.

Some things even I don’t get. Incompetent? Well, depends on your pov. But Rapist Clinton number 1 wasn’t working for Repubs and HC Roddam the lawyer that protects rapists isn’t either.

And, who in human history has converted so many Democrats and Independents to the Republican party in so short a period of time.
Clearly, Obama’s failure will discredit leftist thought far more effectively than any argument.
Maybe the people who thought that he was a Manchurian candidate were only partly right. They did not understand that it was really Dick Cheney and Karl Rove who were pulling the strings.

Dick Cheney is obviously pulling the strings. The economy and the world burning is Bush’s fault after all. Hilarious.

As the saying goes, if your enemy is making a mistake, do not interrupt him.

Certainly, get out of the way of Hussein. He knows best and will self destruct. Coincidentally, America and the world will go with him to hell.

Get out of the way now. Don’t interrupt the Deus Ex Machina now. We’ll never know if Hillary can become the next one!

The problem for him is that his ham fisted approach to his agenda — from health care to stimulus to counterterrorism — is bringing him and his party into conflict with a majority of Americans. Obama is trying to use the Alinsky approach against a majority of the population, and is systematically mugging all the liberals in America.

You are right. He is turning them into conservatives. But not by design. It’s because his only political tool is a blunt, very bloody axe.

I can’t wait to see his face after the November elections.

Me too, I can’t wait to see your face after the November elections. Correct on the tactical set of Hussein O. Incorrect on the ultimate strategic end result. Amateurs love tactics. They fail at strategy and logistics, though.

This must have been before the NSA and the IRS and Fast/Furious.

What has amazed me is that commentators here and at similar sights do not understand evil – Evil -: Late 19th and 20th century, even now, is educated; it is not ignorant; it is systematic; it is intelligent; it is a religion. Evil has built a citadel of intellect: the truth is suppressed under unrighteousness (Paul).

I like this one. It has the flavor of strategic depth. In fact, the whole Left=religion thing didn’t come into popular vogue until just recently. And the blogs we are on is about 4 years ahead of the pack. Some people are just years ahead of the blogs that are years ahead of the rest of humanity. Well, you know how humanity is, crabs in a bucket.

These people probably sounded like “Christian fundamentalist crazies” to the independents and light Repubs reading that blog. But it sounds like pure logick to me.

It takes a religious believer to recognize another religious believer, doesn’t it.


This one is a little bit different, has something to do with internal factional fights at the blog. Well, funny in another sense.

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