Avatar Review

[I need to do an article on Alpha/Beta roles, actually]

UPDATE: Included the post to Neo’s review of the same.

I’m watching Avatar now.

They mentioned that the Marines and Army soldiers once fought for freedom but are now on the corporation’s dime. And gives no background context for this, other than to make the narrative claim.

This is called the brain dead cult of the Left, where declamation is the same as reality and truth.

In the jungles of the world, the ‘security detail’ consists of one person armed with an automatic, against known threats sporting natural armor plate. This, again, is an example of brain dead emotionalism, aka Liberalism, fake liberals, and the Democrat party. For maximum penetration and survival against large indigenous dinosaurs, one must carry calibers in excess of .50, and perhaps in excess of 1.0 caliber.

The Left are so proud of the ‘evil power of the gun’ that they think making opponents immune to its effects is a ‘smart thing’. Something courageous, even. And they choose the ‘machine gun’ because it is the most ‘scary totem’ of the Left. Idiots, again, and hypocrites to boot. Those that talk about refusing a life of violence, makes use of the life of violence to make bucks, but stupidly.

And the movie takes pains in the first five minutes to emphasize that the mercenaries are, well, mercenaries hired by the Company and not part of any military.-Ace’s review

It takes pains to say that all these Marines and Army people who once fought for freedom, are now fighting on the corporation’s dime. Not part of any military? Or just not part of any military worth respect?

Don’t be left clueless by the propaganda, if you don’t know how to replicate it.


I finished watching Avatar.

It’s a bad story because neither the good guys nor the bad guys are what you would find in reality. Could there be a government backed private group that exploits the natives for their natural resources? Sure, we call one such organization ACORN or the SEIU unions. They are not unthinkable, you know.

But I’ve never heard of a for profit organization, that wasn’t backed up by an ideology or government power plays, who would risk so much for so little. Most corporate sharks would cut the lifeline on a project if the estimated costs exceed 10% of predicted values, let alone 50% casualties or more than that.

How much is this unobtanium? Worth a 5 year expedition and the research/development as well as the logistics of transferring fuel, munitions, maintenance, and skilled warriors from one solar system to the other? Yes, inexcess even. That means those assets are pre-planned to be able to net the proper profit margin. So what gives the corporate shark here the thought that he could expend ALL his munitions and military firepower, and not even GET THE GOODS? What kind of fauking idiot does that when his motive is profit. Unless you completely wipe out all resistance and life, there is absolutely no point in devoting even 50% of your total armed forces to a mission. Let alone the needless and wasteful expenditure of munitions and fuel for what was in the end, some guy’s personal crusade against trees.

In case these idiots hadn’t noticed, when you send an expedition that takes 5 years of cold sleep to get there, there are NO QUARTERLY reports. The stock holders would have been prepared to write this expedition off as a complete loss, for they won’t hear anything about it for a minimum of 10 years. And if they had light speed communications, they would have been in contact with the natives with a small scouting force for years before the advent of any military expedition, which means that the Gone Native guy would have already existed.

Now it makes sense that if you are going to devote this much investment on the hope of getting unobtanium, which sounds profitable, then you will want to back it up with as much military force as you can, to prevent competitors, accidents, internal dissension, and hostile natives from crapping on your investment. That is just common sense. But those forces are there to…. roll the drums, protect the MINING EXPEDITION. They are not there to make war on the natives and they sure as hell aren’t there to bomb the natives with ’shock and awe’, while leaving their own base completely Fing defenseless.
They are there for the ore, period. How they get the ore should not matter. The corporate sharks would have been first and foremost concerned about mining the ore. And if there is a threat, the corporate shark would refuse to attack and demand that military forces be held to protect his hide. If some idiot was dumb enough to try to get people to attack the natives, there would be huge internal dissension, because this is a corporate contract, not under military discipline except informally.

Even at the least risk scenario, the corporate executives would have balked at expending so much munitions to blow up a tree, knowing that the natives will commit to an eternal insurgency against any mining operations that occur there. And while you can protect your helicopters and armored exo skeletons from arrows, that doesn’t mean some guy mining or some machinery left unattended, won’t get sabotaged, and your precious profit margin marginalized. That is the truth of all insurgencies.

While it is true that often times Democrat and Leftist profit motivated organizations are apt to overstate the power of the gun and understate the power of the spear, amongst the Marines and combat troops this adage is accepted as true. There are no dangerous weapons: only dangerous people. Even if they were convinced that they would take no casualties from attacking the natives, they would still know that so long as the natives lived in a state of hostility towards the humans, they would be a continual threat. Thus any military campaign designed to expel the natives, would also attempt to exterminate as many as they could, once they fled their former home. And that would have required more expenditure of munitions and fuel, which corporate sharks aren’t apt to be so happy about.

If, as an alternative, you had already invested a butt load of money into more than 3 Avatars, why would the company bean counters not wish to utilize this investment to its maximum potential? When offered a diplomatic solution, they would not allow the military security officer to make the calls and they would certainly not undercut their diplomatic representative by trying to bulldoze him over. Bean counters, in case people hadn’t noticed, are BEAN COUNTERS. They don’t care about threats or reality, so long as their money is accounted for. The very last thing they would authorize after shelling out cash for such expensive projects, is to shell out even more cash for military fuel and munitions so that they can blow up the efforts of the Avatars. To a certain extent, the distance from civilization allows the CEO some freedom of movement, but when he returns, he knows he had better have a crap load of unobtanium. And the only way to do that is to preserve the forces he has to protect the mining operations, because THOSE ARE THE ONLY ONES HE WILL GET for the next 5 some odd years. And if he calls home for more, he may just be sacked for incompetence.

This is why you shouldn’t have Leftist Hollywood directors plan the defensive strategy of your nation. Or the offensive strategy. Or the logistics train. Or anything else for that matter. They are stupid as unobtanium. You could put a gun to their heads and blow their brains out and they wouldn’t lose much thinking capacity.

Oh, btw, tribal chiefs are made tribal chiefs because the people of the tribe trust in the tribal chief not to screw them over. That means they trust the clan leader to protect the interests of all (Unlike the black Obama African chief, elected to just protect his own family’s interests), and the chief isn’t there because he is strongest of all but because he is seen as the best and most honest person that is also wise enough to steer the clan through troubles with other clans, the environment, famine, etc. That means if a freaking tribal chief ever came across some guy from the “Sky People”, he would first and foremost begin talking to him and attempting to learn as much as he can concerning the motivations and capabilities of this potential new threat as he can. He’s not just going to get somebody else to handle him and then sit on his thumbs for the next 3 months.

Leftists think these noble savages aren’t interested in data on the enemy or diplomatic efforts, because they see noble savages as …. primitive but noble. But they suffer the same facts of life as the rest of us. Food, shelter, famine, infant mortality, war with other tribes, death to predators, etc. You think this kind of life makes leaders dull like a stone age savage? That’s a Leftist conceit, where they believe their civilization and culture gives them ‘the right to rule’. Primitive societies know that you need a strong and wise leader, or else your clan will starve and die out.

But let’s just say that the CEo knows more people and competitors are going to come, so he is feeling rushed to a ‘military solution’ to the Native Problem. So the natives, by first ignoring the threat then blowing up the threat, now must face the next human expeditionary force. And this is to the benefit of the natives… how? They would have been better to achieve a peaceful solution in order to get as best a bargaining position as they can, when the next fleet of human invaders come in wanting a piece of the land. And the CEO on the spot would have been better to reach a peaceful business deal between trusted parties, rather than expending force in a gamble to quell the locals, which means he will be militarily weakened once human competitors come. And if you don’t believe human competitors won’t murder, sabotage, and assassinate the opposition in a system 5 years out from the nearest human base, you haven’t seen how humans act in the jungle of LA or any other slum.
This is the point, however. The Left doesn’t know how to solve your problems. They only know how to create them, but can’t get the solutions that will benefit both. Force, in the end, is their only answer. Their way, or the highway. Trusting in the Left to protect your interests is like voting for Obama to make America better. You’d have better chances taking your dick and slicing off a piece hoping that in the future they can reconstruct while paying you money.


Addendum: if Earth is really divested of plant life because ‘humans killed Gaia’, then the biological cornucopia on Pandora would be astronomical in worth. More ingredients for pharmacological products nets immense market value, because humans want longer and better life. And the elites and those with money, most of all. The idea that Pandora’s ecological life may be worth more than the ore itself, is not a farfetched idea. At least not if your motivation is profit.

And guess what, the investment in a mining operation on a jungle world of hostile natives is far more than an operation designed to harvest ecological byproducts.

But people can believe the future world of humanity is still only interested in metal and what’s in the ground, like oil, if they wish. It’s a product of their faulty education and imagination, however. Not worth the cost they paid for it in the end.

Let’s see what else do I have in mind…

If your son is bored with the movie, Book, then educate him on the reality behind the movie. Even a feckless Leftist piece on their own stupidity, can have entertainment worth when viewed a certain way.

The flying scenes were entertaining and so was the aborted attempt at diplomacy, although it cast less light on the human force than on the humans directing the movie.

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6 Comments on “Avatar Review”

  1. Jean Says:

    Found the film visually aressting but overall it was quite a letdown esp since the narrative was cliche as hell.

  2. ymarsakar Says:

    Added the rest of the review now that I have finished watching it.


    Without changing the ideological quota one bit, I can make the story far more interesting and dramatic. All it requires is…. thinking. Something the director hasn’t been doing for far longer than 10 years, it seems.

  3. Spiff Says:

    I agree with your last comment Y. Supposedly, Cameron thought this up 15-years ago, worked on it for 4-years and it’s the most expensive movie to date. And this is the best he can do? What a massive disappointment. Visually, it’s stunning and immersive, but as we saw with the recent Star Wars movies, good packaging and marketing cant hide the fact that it is crap. In this case, I wouldn’t say it is crap, its ok, but not good, that’s for sure. Definitly considering he had 15-years to refine it.

  4. ymarsakar Says:

    I might be tempted to say that this is his version of a middle life crisis and fantasy.

  5. Rose Says:

    LOL, GREAT review! If these dang movies were true, we would have a ‘Rambo’ who could go into Afghanistan, get the bad guys and have it all wrapped up in a week. The fact that we don’t is a big letdown. I’m sorry something like Avatar that could be so cool has to be yet another lecture from the leftist basement dwellers.

    Thanks! And Merry Christmas!!!!!

  6. ymarsakar Says:

    Glad you liked it, and Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

    Here’s to a restored Republic.

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